Viral Makan Ikan-Es Jeruk Habis Rp 500 Ribu Labuan Bajo, Mahal Nggak?
Tangkapan layar rincian tagihan seorang wisatawan saat makan ikan di Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, NTT (Foto: Istimewa)
- Kejadian tak mengenakkan dialami oleh traveler ini. Ia ketika berlibur di Labuan Bajo harus membayar lebih dari Rp 500 ribu untuk beberapa menu.
Jadi, harga makanan di pusat kuliner sari laut atau seafood Kampung Ujung, Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), dikeluhkan wisatawan hingga viral. Ia merasa dipalak lantaran total tagihan makanan untuk empat orang yang menurutnya kelewat mahal.
Berdasarkan video yang beredar, seorang wisatawan membeberkan rincian tagihan makanan untuk empat orang mencapai Rp 530 ribu. Ia pun menunjukkan nota pembelian makanan dengan rincian satu ekor ikan Rp 150 ribu, dua potong tahu tempe Rp 40 ribu, kangkung Rp 50 ribu.
Lalu, ada terong Rp 30 ribu, nasi Rp 40 ribu, tiga buah jeruk murni Rp 150 ribu, satu buah jeruk biasa Rp 25 ribu, dan pajak restoran 10 persen. "Tidak ada perdebatan tetap kami bayar," ujar wisatawan tersebut dalam video viral yang diunggah akun Instagram @m8nusantara.
Tangkapan layar rincian tagihan seorang wisatawan saat makan ikan di Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, NTT.. Foto: Tangkapan layar rincian tagihan seorang wisatawan saat makan ikan di Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, NTT..
Wisatawan tersebut lantas mengingatkan warganet yang ingin makan di pusat kuliner Kampung Ujung untuk menanyakan harga makanan terlebih dahulu. Sebab, harga makanan di tempat itu tak tertera dalam daftar menu. "Yang mau makan di sini (kuliner Kampung Ujung) hati-hati, tanya harga dulu sebelum pesan karena di menu tidak ada harga," katanya.
Forum Komunikasi Pimpinan Daerah (Forkompinda) Kabupaten Manggarai Barat telah menggelar rapat koordinasi untuk merespons keluhan wisatawan terkait mahalnya harga makanan di pusat kuliner Kampung Ujung.
"Mahalnya harga makanan di Kuliner Kampung Ujung sudah sangat viral beberapa hari ini. Maka kami gelar rapat koordinasi yang melibatkan seluruh unsur Forkompimda," kata Wakil Bupati Manggarai Barat Yulianus Weng dalam keterangannya, Rabu (5/6).
Viral Eating Fish-Orange Ice Costs IDR 500 Thousand in Labuan Bajo, Is It Expensive?
Screenshot of a tourist's bill details while eating fish in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, NTT (Photo: Special)
- This traveler experienced an unpleasant incident. When he was on holiday in Labuan Bajo, he had to pay more than IDR 500 thousand for several menus.
So, the price of food at the seafood culinary center in Kampung Ujung, Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), was complained about by tourists until it went viral. He felt cheated because the total food bill for four people was too expensive.
Based on the video circulating, a tourist revealed details of the food bill for four people reaching IDR 530 thousand. He also showed a food purchase receipt with details of one fish Rp. 150 thousand, two pieces of tofu and tempeh Rp. 40 thousand, kale Rp. 50 thousand.
Then, there is eggplant Rp. 30 thousand, rice Rp. 40 thousand, three pure oranges Rp. 150 thousand, one regular orange Rp. 25 thousand, and a restaurant tax of 10 percent. "There is no debate, we still pay," said the tourist in a viral video uploaded by the Instagram account @m8nusantara.
Screenshot of a tourist's bill details while eating fish in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, NTT.. Photo: Screenshot of a tourist's bill details while eating fish in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, NTT..
The tourist then reminded netizens who wanted to eat at the Kampung Ujung culinary center to ask about the price of the food first. Because the price of food at that place is not listed on the menu.
"Those who want to eat here (Kampung Ujung culinary) be careful, ask the price first before ordering because there are no prices on the menu," he said.
The West Manggarai Regency Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkompinda) has held a coordination meeting to respond to tourists' complaints regarding the high price of food at the Kampung Ujung culinary center.
"The high price of food at Kampung Ujung Culinary has gone viral in recent days. So we held a coordination meeting involving all elements of Forkompimda," said Deputy Regent of West Manggarai Yulianus Weng in his statement, Wednesday (5/6).