Banyak HP Xiaomi Radiasi Tinggi, Xiaomi Indonesia Buka Suara
- Dalam sebuah laporan, empat HP Xiaomi dilaporkan memiliki risiko radiasi tertinggi. Pihak Xiaomi Indonesia buka suara terkait hal tersebut.
Laporan tersebut berasal dari platform analitik pasar Stocklytics. Product Marketing Manager Xiaomi Indonesia, Rendy Tonggo menjelaskan empat ponsel yang masuk daftar tidak diluncurkan di Indonesia.
"Me-referred ke artikel tersebut, empat HP Xiaomi yang ditulis tidak diluncurkan di Indonesia sih kebetulan," kata Rendy usai peluncuran Redmi 13, di Jakarta, Rabu (5/6/2024).
Menurut Rendy, pihaknya meluncurkan produk di Indonesia setelah melakukan riset. Selain itu juga melihat kelayakan kegunaan smartphone pada pengguna.
Dalam laporan tersebut, empat dari lima HP dengan radiasi tertinggi dikuasai Xiaomi. Di peringkat pertama ada Mi A1 dengan 1,75 w/kg yang bisa diserap oleh telinga dan 0,76 w/kg yang bsia diserap tubuh.
Berikutnya adalah Mi Max 3 dengan 1,42 w/kg yang diserap tubuh model non-5G. Varian 5G menyerap serupa pada telinga dengan radiasi pada tubuh sebesar 1,56 w/kg.
Berikut 5 besar HP dengan tingkat radiasi tertinggi:
1. Xiaomi Mi A1
2. Xiaomi Mi A1 LTE Dual SIM
3. Xiaomi Mi Max 3
4. Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5G
5. Samsung Galaxy A23 5G
Standar Tingkat Radiasi
HP mengandalkan gelombang frekuensi radio (RF) untuk mengirim dan menerima sinyal. Gelombang tersebut akan memancarkan radiasi pada tingkat tertentu.
Terdapat pengukuran Tingkat Penyerapan Spesifik (SAR) untuk potensi risiko. Ini akan mengukur kecepatan tubuh manusia menyerap energi RF dari sumber radiasi HP dengan satuan watt per kilogram atau w/kg.
Many Xiaomi cellphones have high radiation, Xiaomi Indonesia opens its voice
- In a report, four Xiaomi cellphones were reported to have the highest radiation risk. Xiaomi Indonesia has opened its voice regarding this matter.
The report comes from market analytics platform Stocklytics. Xiaomi Indonesia Product Marketing Manager, Rendy Tonggo, explained that the four cellphones on the list were not launched in Indonesia.
"Referring to the article, the four Xiaomi cellphones written about were not launched in Indonesia by coincidence," said Rendy after the launch of Redmi 13, in Jakarta, Wednesday (5/6/2024).
According to Rendy, his party launched the product in Indonesia after conducting research. Apart from that, it also looks at the feasibility of using smartphones for users.
In the report, four of the five cellphones with the highest radiation were controlled by Xiaomi. In first place is the Mi A1 with 1.75 w/kg which can be absorbed by the ear and 0.76 w/kg which can be absorbed by the body.
Next is the Mi Max 3 with 1.42 w/kg absorbed by the body of the non-5G model. The 5G variant absorbs radiation similar to the ear to the body at 1.56 w/kg.
Here are the top 5 cellphones with the highest radiation levels:
1. Xiaomi Mi A1
2. Xiaomi Mi A1 LTE Dual SIM
3. Xiaomi Mi Max 3
4. Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5G
5. Samsung Galaxy A23 5G
Radiation Level Standards
Cell phones rely on radio frequency (RF) waves to send and receive signals. These waves will emit radiation at a certain level.
There is a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) measurement for potential risk. This will measure the speed at which the human body absorbs RF energy from HP radiation sources in units of watts per kilogram or w/kg.