Eropa Gugat RI Karena Setop Ekspor Nikel, Bahlil: Mereka Takut Negara Kita Kuat!
Foto: Dok. BKPM/Kementerian Investasi
- Menteri Investasi sekaligus Kepala BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia, menjelaskan pemerintah melakukan hilirisasi karena potensi Indonesia yang sangat besar untuk rantai pasok industri mobil listrik global. Namun, ia mengungkap ada negara yang takut jika Indonesia berdaulat mengelola sumber daya alamnya (SDA) sendiri.
"Tahu gak? Mobil baterai itu komponennya 40% itu baterai, dan baterai itu bahan bakunya nikel, mangan, cobalt, dan lithium. Mangan, cobalt, dan nikel kita punya, yang tidak kita punya hanya lithium. Itulah kenapa Eropa membawa kita ke World Trade Organization (WTO) terhadap kebijakan melarang ekspor nikel dari negara kita. Mereka takut negara kita kuat. Dan saya masih yakin bahwa ada sebagian negara lain yang tidak ingin Indonesia berdaulat dalam mengelola kekayaannya sendiri," kata Bahlil saat mengisi kuliah umum di Perguruan Tinggi Nadhatul Ulama di Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah, Jawa Barat, yang disiarkan di akun YouTube Kementerian Investasi, Jumat (31/5/2024).
Menurut Bahlil, ketakutan ini terjadi karena pemerintah mendorong agar industri seperti mobil listrik masuk ke Indonesia. Pemerintah ingin agar Indonesia menjadi salah satu produsen pabrik baterai terbesar di dunia. Hal ini pun sudah dilakukan pada Juli mendatang, akan ada pabrik dengan nilai investasi 142 triliun yang akan diresmikan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) di Karawang.
Upaya lainnya, adalah menambah divestasi saham Freeport sebesar 51% kemudian rencana penambahan 10% lagi saham. Penambahan investasi pun dilakukan seiring pembangunan sejumlah pabrik smelter di Papua dan Jawa Timur. Bahlil mengatakan hal ini agar hasil tambang Freeport seperti konsentrat bisa diproses di dalam negeri.
Menurut Mantan Ketua Umum Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI) itu, hilirisasi dilakukan untuk menciptakan nilai tambah dan lapangan kerja berkualitas. Di sisi lain, Bahlil menjelaskan bahwa hilirasasi diperlukan agar Indonesia tidak bertemu abuleke alias tukang tipu. Sebab, Indonesia sejak dulu sering bertemu berbagai abuleke yang menghalangi kedaulatan bangsa untuk mengelola sumber daya alam secara mandiri.
"Semuanya diolah di dalam negeri. Jangan lagi main kirim-kirim (ke luar negeri) baru mereka abuleke (tipu) kita," pungkasnya.
Europe sues RI for stopping nickel exports, Bahlil: They are afraid that our country is strong!
Photo: Doc. BKPM/Ministry of Investment
- Minister of Investment and Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia, explained that the government is carrying out downstreaming because of Indonesia's enormous potential for the global electric car industry supply chain. However, he revealed that there are countries that are afraid of Indonesia being sovereign in managing its own natural resources (SDA).
"Did you know? 40% of a battery car's components are batteries, and the raw materials for batteries are nickel, manganese, cobalt and lithium. We have manganese, cobalt and nickel, the only thing we don't have is lithium. That is why Europe took us to the World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding the policy of banning nickel exports from our country. They are afraid that our country is strong. "And I still believe that there are some other countries that do not want Indonesia to be sovereign in managing its own wealth," said Bahlil while giving a public lecture at Nadhatul Ulama College at As-Syafi'iyah Islamic University, West Java, which was broadcast on the Ministry's YouTube account. Investment, Friday (31/5/2024).
According to Bahlil, this fear occurs because the government is pushing for industries such as electric cars to enter Indonesia. The government wants Indonesia to become one of the largest battery factory producers in the world. This has also been done next July, there will be a factory with an investment value of 142 trillion which will be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in Karawang.
Another effort is to increase the divestment of Freeport shares by 51% and then plan to add another 10% of shares. Additional investment was also carried out in line with the construction of a number of smelter factories in Papua and East Java. Bahlil said this was so that Freeport's mining products, such as concentrate, could be processed domestically.
According to the former General Chair of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI), downstreaming is carried out to create added value and quality jobs. On the other hand, Bahlil explained that downstreaming is needed so that Indonesia does not encounter abuleke, aka con artists. Because, Indonesia has always encountered various abuleke who hinder the nation's sovereignty to manage natural resources independently.
"Everything is processed domestically. Don't play around sending it (abroad) and then they will abuse us," he concluded.