Analyzing the Flood in Jakarta, Anies: A 250 cc glass is poured with 1 liter of water, you hope it doesn't spill?

Analyzing the Flood in Jakarta, Anies: A 250 cc glass is poured with 1 liter of water, you hope it doesn't spill? 

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan answered regarding the recent flood attacks on Jakarta. The territory he leads at least for the next 5 days. 

"If an area falls with 180 milliliters of water in two hours, there will definitely be inundation. That is the reality. And now we are facing the reality of extremely high volumes of rain," said Anies when met in Kota Tua, Tuesday (11/10/2022) night. 

He said that the recent rains were extreme rains and did not only occur in Jakarta, so he admitted that it needed fast handling. 

"Look, the rain that we have faced for the past few days is relatively extreme. All of Indonesia is experiencing it. So we are preparing to deal with it quickly," he said. 

Anies said the flooding in Jakarta occurred because the water entering the Jakarta area exceeded its capacity. 

He then gave an example of Jakarta as a glass with a capacity of 250 cc, but poured with 1 liter of water. 

"Just like you have a 250 cc glass, pour 1 liter of water, then you hope it doesn't spill? It's impossible, it must have spilled," said Anies. 

Therefore, he focuses on efforts to drain the water that is not accommodated. 

"If it's not managed (dry) for days, that's a problem. But if it can be dried immediately, it can be returned immediately with a large volume of water, that means the management is going well," said Anies. 

"Because the amount of water that falls cannot be under our control. But when the rain has stopped for how long, it can recede. Well, that's management," he said. 

Anies explained that flood management under his leadership has management with KPI (key performance indicator) flood subsides in 6 hours. 

"Starting 2018 we have KPIs. So far when dealing with floods, are there any KPIs? The KPIs are 6 hours of receding. That's the KPI. So when there is a flood, everyone knows that 6 hours must recede," said Anies

In the case of flooding on Jalan TB Simatupang and its surroundings, Anies claimed, the flood could dry up again after 4 hours. 

"TB Simatupang is that high, this has never happened before. It's a pile of water. The volume, the rainfall is 180 milliliters (ml) in 2 hours. Even though the extreme rain is over 150 ml per day. Then, what happens? ," said Anies. 

"But within 4 hours it was gone. It means that the management control system for recovery is running well," he claimed. 

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