Bukti Elon Musk Tukang Bohong dan Pembual Dibeberkan Bos AI Meta
- Elon Musk diserang oleh Yann LeCun pemimpin tim ilmuwan kecerdasan buatan (AI) di Meta, induk usaha Facebook. LeCun menyebut Musk berbohong soal potensi xAI.
Lewat postingan di media sosial X dan LinkedIn, LeCun menuding Musk membuat prediksi yang "jelas-jelas tidak benar" kepada publik. Selain itu, ia tidak setuju dengan cara Musk yang merahasiakan proses pengembangan teknologi baru.
"Silakan bergabung dengan XAI jika Anda bisa bekerja dengan bos yang mengumbar janji yang tak bisa ditepati, mengklaim AI akan membunuh semua orang, dan hobi menyebar teori konspirasi di media sosial miliknya," katanya seperti dikutip oleh CNBC International.
LeCun menulis pernyataan tersebut sebagai respons atas posting Musk soal lowongan kerja di xAI, perusahaan AI milik Musk.
Tudingan LeCun soal prediksi bohong Musk merujuk kepada klaim bahwa model artificial general intelligence, model kecerdasan buatan yang secerdas manusia, bakal lahir pada 2025.
Selain itu, Musk juga sempat sesumbar kepada investor bahwa Tesa bisa memproduksi 1 juta taksi robot pada 2020. Kenyataannya sampai saat ini belum ada satu pun taksi robot yang diproduksi Tesla.
LeCun juga menyerang Musk dengan tudingan mengakui hasil kerja orang lain. Ia mencontohkan laporan penelitian tentang Neuralink yang dipublikasikan di Journal of Medical Internet Research pada 2019. Di laporan itu, Musk dicantumkan sebagai penulis utama dan menyebut penulis lainnya sebagai "Neuralink."
"Saya yakin ilmuwan yang namanya disembunyikan di balik nama itu sangat senang. Saya hanya berharap mereka tidak meninggal dengan hati getir dan merasa dilupakan," kata LeCun.
Musk sempat membalas dan menuding LeCun "sudah lama tidak bersentuhan dengan AI." LeCun merespons dengan link ke laman Google Scholar yang menunjukkan bahwa ia telah menerbitkan 80 hasil penelitian sejak Januari 2022.
Perusahaan AI milik Musk, xAI, baru saja mengumumkan penggalangan dana US$ 6 miliar. Mereka kini sedang berjuang merekrut ahli AI, berebut dengan perusahaan teknologi lainnya yang sudah memulai pengembangan AI lebih awa seperti OpenAI, Anthropic, Microsoft, Meta, dan Google.
Meta sendiri memilih model pengembangan teknologi AI yang berbeda. Model bahasa besar (LLM) buatan Meta yang diberi nama Llama dikembangkan sebagai sumber terbuka (open source), bebas disalin dan dimodifikasi oleh siapa saja. Di sisi lain, xAI, Google, dan OpenAI mengembangkan LLM secara eksklusif.
AI Meta Boss Reveals Evidence that Elon Musk is a Liar and Braggart
- Elon Musk was attacked by Yann LeCun, the leader of a team of artificial intelligence (AI) scientists at Meta, Facebook's parent company. LeCun said Musk lied about xAI's potential.
Through posts on social media X and LinkedIn, LeCun accused Musk of making "obviously incorrect" predictions to the public. Apart from that, he does not agree with Musk's way of keeping the process of developing new technology a secret.
"Please join XAI if you can work with a boss who makes promises he can't keep, claims AI will kill everyone, and whose hobby is spreading conspiracy theories on his social media," he said as quoted by CNBC International.
LeCun wrote this statement in response to Musk's post about job vacancies at xAI, Musk's AI company.
LeCun's accusation regarding Musk's false predictions refers to the claim that an artificial general intelligence model, an artificial intelligence model that is as intelligent as humans, will be born in 2025.
Apart from that, Musk also boasted to investors that Tesa could produce 1 million robot taxis by 2020. In fact, to date, not a single robot taxi has been produced by Tesla.
LeCun also attacked Musk, accusing him of taking credit for other people's work. He gave the example of a research report on Neuralink published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research in 2019. In the report, Musk is listed as the lead author and names the other author as "Neuralink." "I'm sure the scientists whose names are hidden behind those names are very happy. I just hope they don't die with bitter hearts and feeling forgotten," said LeCun.
Musk responded and accused LeCun of “having not been in contact with AI for a long time.” LeCun responded with a link to a Google Scholar page showing that he had published 80 studies since January 2022.
Musk's AI company, xAI, has just announced fundraising of US$ 6 billion. They are currently struggling to recruit AI experts, competing with other technology companies that have started earlier AI development such as OpenAI, Anthropic, Microsoft, Meta, and Google.
Meta itself chose a different AI technology development model. Meta's large language model (LLM) called Llama was developed as open source, free to be copied and modified by anyone. On the other hand, xAI, Google, and OpenAI develop LLM exclusively.
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Bos AI Meta
Elon Musk
Tukang Bohong