Ternyata Ini 3 Kelemahan HP China yang Belum Banyak Orang Tahu
Ilustrasi untuk kelemahan HP China yang belum banyak orang tahu (Foto: Okezone/Unsplash)
- Setidaknya ini 3 kelemahan HP China yang belum banyak orang tahu sehingga kerap merasa tertipu usai membeli produk sejenis.
HP China memang dikenal dengan harga yang cukup murah sehingga banyak orang yang tertarik untuk membelinya. Namun demikian, tentu ada konsekuensi yang harus dibayar nantinya dengan harga yang terjangkau tersebut.
Jadi jangan kaget ada risiko dari kualitas HP China yang masih jauh ketinggalan bila dibandingkan dengan yang lainnya. Dilansir dari berbagai sumber, Senin (13/11/2023), berikut kelemahan HP China yang belum banyak orang tahu.
1. Desain atau Kualitas Kurang Mantap
Produk HP China banyak digemari karena diperkuat dengan spesifikasi mewah namun harganya cukup ramah.
Salah satunya adalah HP Xioami Pocophone F1 yang laris jadi rebutan masyarakat. Produk ini dibekali dengan spesifikasi tinggi menggunakan chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 845. Namun tetap saja terdapat banyak keluhan khususnya pada desain dan build quality.
Bila ditelisik dari material body, produk ini menggunakan plastik polikarbonat. Kemudian dipangkasnya fitur penting, seperti konektivitas NFC.
Meski terkesan minor namun kekurangan ini bisa saja berakibat fatal. Misalnya HP yang gampang panas pada Xiaomi Redmi 2. Ada juga kasus Xiaomi Mi A1, seri pertama Xiaomi yang menggunakan stock Android.
2. Layanan Purna Jual Meragukan
Memang produk HP China selalu meraih unggul mutlak secara harga yang lebih murah. Namun ini berarti konsumen harus memilih smartphone yang hanya didukung garansi distributor yang tidak resmi.
Risiko garansi distributor yaitu mendapatkan purna jual tidak memuaskan selayaknya smartphone resmi yang dipasarkan melalui distributor resmi di Indonesia.
Khususnya saat HP butuh perbaikan. Maka garansi distributor akan membutuhkan alur yang cukup rumit dan membingungkan.
Dengan klaim garansi distributor, maka penanganan hanya akan dilakukan di toko atau centre distributor.
Belum lagi jika ingin menjual kembali HP lama, maka sebaiknya tidak berharap banyak soal harga. Harga jual produk lama bakal cukup anjlok karena produk baru cepat muncul.
Sudah umum diketahui penurunan HP China bekas dengan garansi resmi sekitar 30 persen. Namun harga jual kembali HP dengan garansi distributor sangat rendah.
3. Dukungan Update OS Minim
Kelemahan lain HP China adalah pada ekosistem dan update OS yang masih kurang memadai.
Software yang ada di HP bergaransi distributor biasanya sudah disesuaikan oleh penjual. Sehingga akanmengganggu kenyamanan pengguna apalagi ketika hendak melakukan update OS.
Fenomena HP dengan ROM atau storage abal-abal ini merupakan efek dari terbatasnya jumlah ponsel yang masuk ke Indonesia, padahal permintaanya cukup tinggi.
Demi menyiasati hal tersebut, banyak distributor yang mengambil langsung dari China dan agar bisa dibawa ke Indonesia maka ROM diganti menjadi versi distributor atau abal-abal. Dengan demikian maka pengguna tidak bisa melakukan upgrade MIUI.
Nah itulah 3 kelemahan HP China yang belum banyak orang tahu.
It turns out that these are 3 weaknesses of Chinese cellphones that not many people know about
Illustration of weaknesses in Chinese cellphones that not many people know about (Photo: Okezone/Unsplash)
JAKARTA - These are at least 3 weaknesses of Chinese cellphones that not many people know about so they often feel cheated after buying similar products.
Chinese cellphones are known for their fairly cheap prices so many people are interested in buying them. However, of course there are consequences that must be paid later with this affordable price.
So don't be surprised that there is a risk that the quality of Chinese cellphones is still far behind when compared to others. Reported from various sources, Monday (13/11/2023), here are the weaknesses of Chinese cellphones that not many people know about.
1. Poor design or quality
Chinese cellphone products are popular because they are equipped with luxurious specifications but the prices are quite friendly.
One of them is the Xioami Pocophone F1 cellphone which is selling well and is being fought over by the public. This product is equipped with high specifications using the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chipset. However, there are still many complaints, especially regarding the design and build quality.
If we examine the body material, this product uses polycarbonate plastic. Then he trimmed important features, such as NFC connectivity.
Even though it seems minor, this deficiency could have fatal consequences. For example, the Xiaomi Redmi 2 cell phone gets hot easily. There is also the case of the Xiaomi Mi A1, the first Xiaomi series to use stock Android.
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2. Doubtful After-Sales Service
Indeed, Chinese HP products always achieve absolute superiority at lower prices. However, this means consumers have to choose smartphones that are only supported by unofficial distributor warranties.
The risk of distributor guarantees is that after sales are not as satisfactory as official smartphones marketed through official distributors in Indonesia.
Especially when your cellphone needs repair. So the distributor guarantee will require a fairly complicated and confusing process.
With a distributor guarantee claim, handling will only be carried out at the distributor's shop or center.
Not to mention, if you want to resell your old cellphone, you shouldn't expect much about the price. The selling price of old products will drop quite a bit because new products quickly appear.
It is common knowledge that the decline in used Chinese cellphones with an official guarantee is around 30 percent. However, the resale price of HP with a distributor guarantee is very low.
3. Minimal OS update support
Another weakness of Chinese cellphones is that the ecosystem and OS updates are still inadequate.
Software on HP with a distributor guarantee has usually been adjusted by the seller. So it will disturb the user's comfort, especially when they want to update the OS.
This phenomenon of cellphones with fake ROM or storage is the effect of the limited number of cellphones entering Indonesia, even though demand is quite high.
In order to get around this, many distributors take it directly from China and so that it can be brought to Indonesia, the ROM is replaced with a distributor or fake version. Thus, users cannot upgrade MIUI.
So, those are 3 weaknesses of Chinese cellphones that not many people know about.