Black Holes or black holes are arguably the most phenomenal discoveries in the 20th century in the field of astronomy. Previously, no scientist had ever imagined that in the sky there were a number of stars moving continuously, sweeping, sucking up all the celestial bodies around them. Moreover, the star is not visible.
Since 1790 an English scientist John Michell and a French scientist, Pierre-Simon Laplace predicted that there were hidden stars in the sky. Then in 1910 Einstein's theory of relativity predicted the existence of objects in outer space that had an influence on time and place. It was further developed by the German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild, in 1916, based on Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, and was increasingly popularized by Stephen William Hawking. At this time many astronomers believe that almost all galaxies in the universe revolve around a black hole at the center of the galaxy.
In 1967 the American scientist John Archibald Wheeler had begun to talk about and call "black holes" black holes as a result of the collapse of stars. so that it became popular in the world and even became a favorite topic of science fiction writers. We can't see black holes but we can detect matter being sucked in towards them. In this way, astronomers study and identify the many black holes in space through observations so carefully that it is estimated that the sky is dotted with millions of black holes.
Scientists confirmed the existence of black holes by using the Hubel telescope towards the center of galaxy M87. They found gas concentrations continuously around black holes. The concentration of gas moves very fast at 400 km / sec.
In 1994, through the Hubel telescope at the center of galaxy M87, it was surrounded by clear gas. It is estimated that the mass of these black holes is 3 million times the mass of the sun. Then more and more scientific evidence was found about the existence of black holes through x-rays.
Black Holes or black holes as NASA scientists define is a very strong gravitational field. As a result, the celestial bodies are sucked in with high intensity without exception. So strong, even light can not escape from the straw. Black holes are formed when a large star begins to run out of age due to running out of energy and fuel. Although invisible, black holes have a high level of magnetism.
All stars with a mass 20 times that of the sun are possible to disintegrate and end up turning into black holes. This is because the star has a large magnetism and mass. However, if the mass of a small star and its fuel runs out, then its magnetism and mass are not sufficient to suck up objects around it and do not become black holes. This star only becomes a white dwarf or a dead star. The sun for example, after 400 million years will lose its nuclear fuel and dim. But he did not become a black hole because of insufficient time. Maybe this is what the Koran hints at
"When the sun is rolled up," (At-Takwir: 1)
So not destroyed but dim. Kuwwirat in the dictionary means one part rolled into another.
Exploding stars is the first phase of the formation of black holes. Experts find that all stars will explode after running out of fuel and turn into other stars, but the most extreme form is black holes.
Because gravity is so strong on a black hole it prevents anything from escaping it except through its quantum tunneling behavior. Nothing, including electromagnetic radiation, can escape its gravity, even light can only enter but cannot leave or pass through it, hence the word "black". The term "black hole" has become widespread, although it does not refer to a hole in the usual sense. This extreme force of gravity generates high heat that creates light. The light was easily detected by astronomers through their instruments. Though the speed of light is 300 thousand km / second. Because it cannot be seen, it is called a black hole. There are black holes that have a mass more than 1000 million times the mass of the sun. It sucks objects, gases, celestial bodies nearby continuously.
The mass of the black hole continues to increase by capturing all the matter nearby. All matter cannot escape the snare of a black hole if it passes too close. So objects that cannot maintain a safe distance from the black hole will be sucked in. Contrary to its current reputation which states that a black hole can suck up anything around it, a black hole cannot suck up material that is very far away from itself. he could only pull material that passed very close to him.
Some galaxies are 250 million light-years away. In 2002 Scientists discovered a number of black holes in this region. (
Between scientists and the Koran
A western scientist explains the nature of black holes "It creates an immense gravitational pull not unlike an invisible cosmic vacuum cleaner. As it moves, it sucks in all matter in its way — not even light can escape”
“Black holes create extreme gravity that works like an invisible universe vacuum cleaner. It moves and devours everything it encounters even the light it sucks in and can't dodge."
Black hole character:
Invisible (Invisible)
Works like a vacuum cleaner
move continuously (moves)
Black holes in the Quran
The Qur'an mentions many phenomena of the universe and celestial bodies, stars, planets, names of stars, galaxies and others. Before claiming the existence of a black hole phenomenon in the Quran, let us consider the verse that is closest to study. Namely in the letter At-Takwir verses 15-16.
“I swear by the hidden star. The one that moves quickly that sweeps,
In this verse Allah swears by one of His creatures, namely a star with a name or three characters. First, khunnas (الْØ®ُÙ†َّسِ); hidden and invisible. Therefore, Satan is also called khonnaas (الخناس) because he was not seen by the children of Adam. This is exactly what scientists say about the character of black holes, namely; invisible. Second, aljawaar (الْجَÙˆَارِ) moves fast and very fast. This is the second black hole character of the moves. Lafadl Al-Quran tajri is more perfect than the explanation of scientists because the word means to move fast or run. While moves do not describe moving quickly. Third, alkunnas (الْÙƒُÙ†َّسِ) who sweeps and swallows every one he encounters. This is the character of a black hole vacuum cleaner.
Kunnas comes from kanasa which means to sweep, miknasah tool for sweeping. Kunnas plural form of sweeping kaanis. Kunnas is shigat vomiting jumuk (highest plural form) of the singular kaanis.
The scholars of classical commentary explain the meaning of khunnas aljawaril kunnas is a star whose light does not appear during the day and appears at night. But this is only an interpretation not the real meaning. The most appropriate interpretation of the reality of the universe is black holes.
Even more amazed, NASA scientists discovered the presence of sound waves with a certain rhythm coming out of the black hole or gas that surrounds it in a galaxy far away.
“The seven heavens, the earth and all that is in them glorify Allah. and there is nothing but glorify by praising Him, but you all do not understand their prayer beads. Verily, He is Most Forbearing, Most Forgiving." (Al-Isra ': 44).
A medium-sized black hole is 10 times the weight of the sun. There are very large black holes that exist in our galaxy and other galaxies. Some weigh 1 times as much as the sun.
How to detect black holes that are invisible and do not emit light? After observing the universe and the stars for a long time. Suddenly scientists found a star that lost its light. After a while the star appeared again. When the image was examined, astronomers concluded that the light was blocked by a passing black hole.
It is estimated that the number of black holes in the universe is millions or even thousands of millions.
"We will show them Our signs in all areas of the earth and in themselves, until it becomes clear to them that the Quran is true. Is it not enough that your Lord is a witness over all things?" (Fushilat: 53) (Ahmad Tirmidhi, from various sources. This article was published in the Indonesian version of Al-Mujtama' Islamic Magazine)
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