Science is able to explain things that were previously thought impossible to be possible.
Through science, Joko Sasmito also succeeded in creating a biochip, which in its development is very useful for the medical world. It all started with the Kaifa Cycle.
He has made a number of technological products that are beneficial for health with his five children. These tools include brain wave testers, self-emotion testers, testers for lymph cancer and liver cancer, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nerve, muscle, and heart tests, and modems.
The latter product is later planned to be produced in larger quantities. This product itself is the result of eight years of research by the Joko family and a number of neighbors who are members of the Islamic Technology and Arts (Islamic Technology and Arts) students in Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region.
These technological discoveries in the medical field were not Joko's initial goal. This former Chemistry Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University together with a number of students originally intended to create mini electronic devices that could save space.
In the development of his research activities, Joko even first succeeded in creating a biochip as a body health test tool, which is very useful in the medical field, as well as a biochip as a therapeutic tool.
Biochips are organic matter as the core material. This mixture of animal and plant extracts is blended down to a weight of less than one gram, then attached to a small sheet of wire, and connected by a conducting medium in the form of sheets of wire. This tool is different from other biochips which, although also made as a result of technology, the main ingredients of inorganic.
In every activity of checking and health therapy for his patients, Joko transfers the core material of this treatment through waves (air or electricity), distributed to the patient's body.
The transfer of energy through these waves at a later stage, enabling Joko to treat patients remotely. By using a regular phone or cell phone, treatment based on a computer system at home will be delivered to the patient via waves.
“I think that science can be used to the fullest. And, this form of treatment can be explained scientifically,” he said.
Four arguments
We might not believe how biochip therapy transferred via waves can heal a person. However, Joko can explain scientifically for each product he finds.
The Kaifa Cycle Theory forms the basis for each of these discoveries. This cycle refers to a verse in a letter in the Quran. This verse is translated into four propositions, namely adaptation, filter, compatibility, and integration value. Every trial he did went through these four theorems and finally produced the work of a non-bio chip. However, in his development, he created chips with a blend of organic ingredients.
Joko's goal is that this biochip compound cannot be imitated without having to be patented. The advantage of this biochip is that it has a higher sensitivity in detecting a disease.
Joko educates his five children to become researchers and inventors in the field of science and technology even though they have to leave formal school. Ida Saraswati (23), the eldest child, has now made a lot of software and Dika Sistrandari (21), Agus Siklawida (16) and Tifa Siklawati (11) are makers of data or hardware components. The ability to make biochips was passed on to his third child, Sikla Estiningsih (19).
According to Joko, it is a big struggle when they have to give their children a choice to go to formal school or study with him. When these children decide to study with Joko and leave their respective schools, awareness grows of the consequences that the five will not have education certificates. "There are consequences for every choice," said Sikla, the third child.
When Kompas visited for the second time, around mid-January, Joko was busy taking care of one of his critically ill patients. The results of the identification of the biochip displayed on the computer showed that the patient had liver cancer.
Other computers are used to detect slowed heart movements, also through biochips. Then, another biochip was installed to lower the level of entropy (vulnerability of organ function). "If it's an emergency, we have to move quickly to help the patient," he said.
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