10 advices of Sheikh Dr. Ramadan al-Buti

10 advices of Sheikh Dr. Ramadan al-Buti

1. Starting the day with morning prayers in group at the mosque.

2. When we hear the sound of azan wherever we are and in any situation, then we must quickly head to the nearest mosque to perform congregational prayers.

3. Try as hard as you can not use this age of ours except to obey Allah, work to find halal sustenance, seek knowledge, and to rest to get rid of fatigue.

4. When going to sleep, then we should imagine that the possibility of this sleep is sleep forever, our last sleep in the world. Before going to bed, let's reflect and ask forgiveness to Allah.

5. When you get pleasure or a test, then do not forget the fact that nothing can give you benefit and nothing can prevent harm except Allah SWT.

6. After you have performed the prayer and finished the wirid, then do not stand before raising your hands pray to Allah with humility and humility, asking Him to fulfill your wishes, avoiding all fear, d an forgive all your sins.

7. When you feel abandoned by people and hated by them then make the blessing of Allah as the healer of your heart. And know that it is better than a man who hates you but Allah hates you.

8. When your lust pulls you to ghibah on your brother, then remember that you also have a lot of disabilities and when Allah reveals them, your disabilities will also become the talk of another human being.

9. Work as hard as you can to make the supplies you prepare later be a heart pure from all dirt of hatred.

10. When your lust invites you to do evil, then remember death because that death will reduce the size of sin and make the worship and obedience a lot.

* Excerpt from the book Batinul Ismi (Hidden Sins) by al-Syahid.

O Allah, blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad, the opener of what is closed and the end of what is before, the supporter of truth with truth, and the guide to your straight path, and to Allah the righteous. 

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